Ecology & Bioindication
of Leeches
You can read the papers as pdf-files. Publications which are not available can be
ordered from the author C. Grosser
Grosser, C., D.
Heidecke & G. Moritz (2001): Hirudinea
as Bioindicators for running freshwaters.
Grosser, C., D. Heidecke & G. Moritz (2001): Untersuchungen zur Eignung heimischer Hirudineen als Bioindikatoren für
Fließgewässer.- Hercynia N. F. 34: 101-127,
Grosser, C. & W.
Kleinsteuber (2002): Leeches as Indicators for Habitats of the
Project „Natura 2000“.
Grosser, C. & W. Kleinsteuber (2002): Egel (Annelida: Hirudinea). In: Die Lebensraumtypen nach Anhang I der
Fauna-Flora-Habitatrichtlinie im Land
Sachsen-Anhalt.- Naturschutz im Land Sachsen-Anhalt (Sonderheft), Halle.
Grosser, C. & U. Kutschera (2004): Feeding behaviour and reproductive biology of
the semiaquatic leech Trocheta haskonis
(Hirudinea: Erpobdellidae). - Lauterbornia 52: 163-169, Dinkelscherben.
Marinković, N., B. Karadžić, V. Pešić, B. Gligorović, C. Grosser, M. Paunović, V. Nikolić & M. Raković (2019): Faunistic patterns and diversity components of leech
assemblages in karst springs of Montenegro.-
Knowledge & Management of Aquatic Ecosystems No. 420 (26), 1-12,
Clemens Grosser
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