Keeping & Breeding of Leeches
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Publications which are not available can be ordered from the author C. Grosser or the journal / publishers.
C. (1991): Haemopis sanguisuga in the aquarium.
Grosser, C. (1991): Beobachtungen am Vielfraßegel,
Haemopis sanguisuga.- DATZ Aquarien Terrarien, Heft 6: 365-366, Stuttgart, Leipzig.
GROSSER, C. (2010): Keeping & Breeding
of Leeches.
GROSSER, C. (2010): Klasse Egel (Hirudinea).- In: Engelmann, W. E. & J. Lange:
Zootierhaltung – Tiere in menschlicher Obhut, Wirbellose. S. 467-476.
Frankfurt a. Main.
Clemens Grosser
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